Monday, December 27, 2010

Caroling in K-town

Sometimes its not enough to just gather, but instead one must go out. This past Thursday we went out. We turned off the lights and the Barn was dark, but we sought to light up the small town of Kunkletown with our voices. Traveling house to house we sang songs written ages ago by musicians who sought to praise the name of Jesus Christ - and one silly song about Jingling Bells. We walked up to the front doors of people's houses, knocked on the doors and began to sing away. Each smile seemed worth a million - as if they could smile more than once they would. Elderly couples, families, dogs and their owner; People we knew very well, people we helped sand decks for over the summer, and people we had never met before.

There we went, up and down the streets singing carols to the town. We stood on sidewalks, in front yards, and atop of driveways to invite others to praise God with us, and it was amazing. And no matter how cold it may have been any mention of stopping was not permitted frowned upon by our students. "No lets go into town"; "That house, lets sing at that house"; "We need to carol, I haven't done this since I was 8 years old". It was so cool to see students come together and want to reach out to others in such a profound way. And so we reached out to Kunkletown again - and it won't be the last time. Then we lit the Barn up again, drank some hot chocolate together, and sat in the memories of the night.

1 comment:

  1. i love that you get them involved in the community friend. what a beautiful way to serve and share the beauty of giving life and love.
