Monday, October 19, 2009

The Hearts of Few


Things in the Poconos have been cold. Last Thursday, our kick off night for our teaching on 'Working Together Well' we actually received 3 inches of snow, and many of the students who would normally make it out to the Barn could not. Consequently, we had six students show up that night. However, it is amazing to be able to see how the LORD is continually at work through the Barn. Sometimes we need snow to damper our day. Sometimes it is only in these moments that we can really invest in a more personal way with the students who show at the Barn. So what if more than half of the students who show up help lead worship? What a greater time to invest into them as leaders and teach them what that looks like!

God has been moving. Through six students I was able to see his heart. His heart is not for the numbers, but for the hearts of those who seek him. The students there on Thursday were few, but we began to see the hearts of those who would brave the snow to come worship and learn at the Barn! Also, we saw the heart of God at work in our cookout two Tuesdays ago. We had few there, yet again, but such amazing interactions. We got to answer questions, discover fears and passions about the Barn, and really got to dive deep into the lives of many parents who came out to hear about the Barn. God is moving. I said it a lot already, but how true is it that, 'Blessed is the man who fears the LORD.' (Psalm 112:1) More and more, week by week, we are learning to fear the LORD and seek his face, and we are continuing to see the LORD bless the Barn in countless ways.

Please continue to pray that the LORD is at work in such ways! Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support and for being a part of the Barn!

In Christ Jesus,

1 comment:

  1. I thought the Human Clue night was really fun and an awesome way to let the community know about the barn. Especially after having those Trick or Treaters show up. Thanks for letting me be Mrs Peacock....even if Col Mustard and I were Waltzing in the Lounge ;)
    You have an awesome love for Christ and the kids and it shows in your ministry.
    your mother
